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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0540

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[photo] Eagle Falls, Rocky Mountains
Photo credit: Robert Joki, The Sovereign Collection, 1996
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 16 x 24 inches (41 x 61 cm)
Inscription: l/r FSchafer, in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, initials conjoined in a monogram
Verso: "Eagle Falls Rocky Mts" in pencil hand on top stretcher bar; "Save" and "Paid" in pencil hand on outer frame; "Lee" and "Conv…" in pencil hand on inner frame; "21 Eagle Falls, Rocky Mts/22 On Slate Creek, Cal." excerpt of printed exhibition list, lower half of second line cut off.
Provenance: In private collection, Tacoma, Washington, area by 1996. with The Sovereign Collection, Portland, 1996; To collection of Lewis and Clark College, Portland, by 1999.
Exhibited: Sovereign Collection World-Wide Web posting, 1996
Reproductions: Sovereign Collection photograph (color, 1996)
Description: An Indian with headdress and red shirt stands on a cliff-side trail, leaning slightly toward the edge to get a better view of a high waterfall some distance down a deep, steep-walled canyon. A second figure, also with headdress, sits on the trail slightly beyond the first, contemplating the scene. A snow-capped peak stands beyond the waterfall, while high pinnacles stand on either side of the waterfall. (The pinnacle on the right somewhat resembles Sentinel Rock, Yosemite.) Beyond the figure on the right is a grove of conifers. In the right foreground is a grassy slope with some wildflowers; at the right front edge are two boulders with a snag lying across them. At the left front are treetops from the canyon far below. (From the painting, 26 July 1996)
Note: This painting and Autumn in the White Mountains [1], although of very different subjects, are somehow related: they carry verso labels from the same exhibition, similar markings on the stretcher bars, and are of the same size, and they may have the same provenance.
In index(es): Title list, unidentified mountain scenes

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility