Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Unidentified painting record FFSu0580

[no photo] [Mount Shasta]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 42 in (estimated)
Inscription: said to be signed l/l
Provenance: The Victorian Decorative Arts Shop, San Francisco, in 1994
Description: "…with a western prospect of Shasta showing Shastina being almost as high as the main peak. The Mountain is across a valley in the center distance. In the foreground left are a few large conifers on a bluff. There is a stream in the foreground middle." (From a reporter's description.)
Legend: Said by the owner of the antique shop to have been in the family of the previous owner for four generations.
Identification: Not yet enough information to allow matching or conclusion that it isn't already catalogued

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