Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image record 8088

1873 report of departure to San Francisco of a Frederick Schafer and his family

No larger image available

[painting photograph]

Image credit: GenealogyBank. Located by James Marquardt.

Related images: Report of connection of S.S. Henry Chauncey with S.S. Great Republic in Panama.
Report of arrival of S.S. Great Republic in San Francisco.

Information about this image:
Original: Published Thursday, 3 April 1873, in the San Diego Union V, 26, page 1, column 8.
Adjustments: Image digitally contrast-enhanced and sharpened. Image contains ICC color profile.
Note: 1. The "Frederick Schafer, wife and child" named in this notice may be the artist and his family but it has not been confirmed. 2. Aspinwall was a name once used by Americans for the Atlantic port city of Colón, Panama. Upon arrival there, San Francisco passengers would board a train to Panama City, where a second steamer would be waiting to transport them up the Pacific coast. 3. Identically worded reports appeared in the 24 March 1873 editions of the Sacramento Daily Record-Union XLV 6854, page 4, column 2, and the San Francisco Evening Bulletin XXXV 142, page 1, column 4.
Calibration: Targets

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