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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0021

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[photo] The Black Butte, Shasta in distance, from Sissons, California
Photo credit: Courtesy of North Point Gallery, Berkeley, California, 2018
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)
Inscription: l/r "F Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Verso: said to be "The Black Butte, Shasta in Distance from Sissons, California"
Provenance: In collection of George Valliere, San Mateo, California, by 1990; to his estate; sold 12 July 1990 for $1320 as lot 2156 in sale 4325P by Butterfield & Butterfield, San Francisco. Offered February 1999 for $3000 by William J. B. Burger, Historical Americana, Pine Grove, California. Offered January 2018 for $17000 by North Point Gallery, Berkeley, California.
Reproductions: 12 July 1990 sale catalog; Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #103 (color, 1990)
Site: Black Butte (elevation 6325 feet) is in California, about 10 miles west of Mount Shasta. Although the reported title suggests that the view is from Sisson's hotel, which was located at the corner of Old Stage Road and Hatchery Lane in the modern town of Mount Shasta City, California, from that viewpoint Black Butte and Mount Shasta would be much more widely separated. The actual viewpoint seems to be from a meadow about four miles west of the hotel.
Description: The front half of the scene is a wide, flat, green meadow with a stream flowing out of an evergreen forest, past three grazing horses (one white, one brown, one palomino), and winding toward the viewer. On the left beyond the valley, Black Butte rises darkly and abruptly to a great height; beyond the forest two successive ridges, the first beige, the second dark gray, rise gradually to the right. In the distance a snow-capped Mount Shasta, with Shastina on the left, dominates the entire scene. A snag lies in the river. (From a color photograph.)
Note: Mount Shasta [9] and Morning on Mount Shasta, from Strawberry Valley, California are very similar scenes of Black Butte and Mount Shasta, viewed from the same meadow. For a view of Mount Shasta from Sisson's hotel, see Sunset on Mount Shasta from Sissons, California (attributed).
Other title(s): The Black Butte, Shasta (North Point Gallery, 2019)
In index(es): Title list, Mount Shasta and Shastina

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