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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0068

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[photo] [Falling leaves]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: said to be 15 x 15 in (38 x 38 cm) but image proportions suggest 12.5 x 15 in (32 x 38 cm).
Inscription: l/l "F Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, underlined.
Verso: "Falling Leaves/$50.00/" third and fourth lines unreadable (perhaps "Daniel Landry"), in ink on a partial gummed paper label, in an unknown hand.
Provenance: Sold 24 October 1985 for $880 by Butterfield & Butterfield, San Francisco, as lot 4186 in "American and European Paintings" sale 3595P. Offered in 1990 by DeRu's Fine Arts, Bellflower, California. Sold 3 June 2021 for $875 by Abell Auction Company, Commerce, California, as lot 492 in "June 3 Online Auction" sale.
Reproductions: Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #100 (color, 1990); Abell Auction Company 3 June 2021 sale catalog.
Citations: 24 October 1985 sale catalog.
Description: The base of an ancient tree fills the left center, surrounded by boulders and a dilapidated rail fence. Autumn leaves cover the foreground, and a broadleaf forest in full autumn color forms the background. Through the fence is a yellow-green grassy field. The small patch of sky on the right is blue with small clouds. (From the painting, 21 July 1990.)
Note: When sold by Butterfield & Butterfield in 1985 the painting had been extended in size about 1/2 inch, by repositioning the bottom stretcher bar and painting the exposed margin, perhaps to accomodate a larger-than-expected frame. By the time of the DeRu's Fine Arts offering it had been restored to its original size.
Identification: Title from a handwritten note attached verso, perhaps added by a collector. The Butterfield & Butterfield sale catalog adds the words old country fence to the end of the title. Dewitt McCall of DeRu Fine Arts confirmed the identification with the Butterfield & Butterfield sale.
In index(es): Title list, pastoral and rural scenes

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