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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0071

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[photo] [Farmer, farmhouse, and dirt road]
Photo credit: J. Saltzer, 1998; courtesy of Vintage Bank Antiques
Medium: watercolor or goache on paper
Size: 10.5 x 16.5 in (27 x 42 cm) (sight); not removed from frame
Inscription: l/l "F Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, in red
Verso: not examined out of frame
Provenance: With Vintage Bank Antiques, Petaluma, California, 1996; to private collection, Northern California, March 2003.
Description: A man wearing a grey vest, white shirt, gray pants, and a brown hat and carrying a scythe walks along a rutted dirt road to the left of a house behind a low wall with a wooden gate. At the left end of the wall is a small shed with a door facing the road. The L-shaped house is yellow with a brown roof; smoke drifts from a chimney on the right side of the L. There are bushes and grass on the near side of the road, and a tree with a few leaves on the other side at the right. The background has broadleaf trees on the right, distant hills on the left. Across the road as it winds around the house is a low rail fence. The sun is behind the viewer on the left, casting shadows to the right. (From the painting, 23 July 1997)
Identification: Assigned, descriptive title
In index(es): Title list, cabins, farmhouses, and similar structures, pastoral and rural scenes, watercolor and gouache paintings

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Comments, corrections, or questions: Saltzer@mit.edu
Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility