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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0135

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[photo] [California coastal stream]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 10 x 8 in (25 x 20 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Provenance: With Jim Finlinson Antiques, Berkeley, May 1971; to private collection, San Francisco, 1971; with Garzoli Gallery, San Francisco, in 1983. With Christopher Queen Galleries, Duncans Mills, California, 13 November 1984; to private collection, 29 December 1987. Sold 17 February 2004 for $2475 by John Moran Auctioneers, Inc., Pasadena, California, as lot 167 in "California and American Fine Art" sale.
Reproductions: William K. Dick photo #150 (color, 1974); Christopher Queen Galleries photo (color, 1986) 17 February 2004 sale catalog (color, 2004).
Citations: Christopher Queen Galleries record 085
Description: A forest scene completely fills the canvas with trees; no sky is visible, though the painting is very bright in the center as if a shaft of sunlight has penetrated the forest canopy. Only one tree, with a crooked trunk, on the left, is distinctly drawn with a few individual leaves; the remainder are sketched hazily in the background. In the foreground a stream enters near the center left and exits at the right and front; its left bank is covered with small stones and wildflowers. The trunks of several bushes on the far bank are reflected in mirror-like images in the water, which is very unusual in paintings by this artist. (From a color photograph.)
Note: The 17 Febuary 2004 sale catalog used the alternate title and added the comment, "Sold to benefit the University of Iowa - Museum of Art, Iowa City, Iowa."
Identification: Descriptive title assigned by Christopher Queen Galleries.
Other title(s): [Wooded river landscape]
In index(es): Title list, Barbizon-style forest interiors, mountain streams through a forest, twenty representative works by the artist

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility