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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0214

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[photo] Summer evening on the upper Russian River, California
Photo credit: A-1 Auctions, Maitland, Florida
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 29 x 50 in (74 x 127 cm)
Inscription: l/l, "F Schafer", underlined, in the artist's charasteristic block-letter hand.
Verso: u/l, "$225.00 Summer Evening on / the Upper Russian River Cala", in Schafer's script hand. The "$225.00" overlaps the first word of the title, suggesting that it was added later.
Provenance: Acquired "around 1891" by private collection, Denver, Colorado (see Legend); by descent in 1969 to private collection, Orlando, Florida; by descent before 2004 to private collection, Florida; sold 25 January 2004 for $3850 by A-1 Auctions, Maitland, Florida, in "Antique Auction", to Christopher Queen Galleries, Duncans Mills, Californi; sold September 2004 for $18,500.
Reproductions: Dealer's photographs (color); William K. Dick photo #168 (color, undated)
Description: A brown mountain is seen beyond a river valley that runs from the center to the right front. The left wall of the valley is a steep, forested hillside; the right wall is also forested but somewhat gentler in slope. The river has made a deep cut in the far bank on the right. (From the color photograph.)
Legend: The Denver, Colorado, owner is said to have met Schafer in person and acquired this painting, along with six others by the artist, on a honeymoon trip to California around 1891.
In index(es): Title list, mountain streams through a forest

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility