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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0248

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[photo] [On the road to Mount Shasta, California]

Date: said to be c. 1880
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 38 x 70 in (97 x 178 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Provenance: With Harry Shaw Newman Galleries (The Old Print Shop), New York City, 1970. With Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc., 1974.
Reproductions: Harry Shaw Newman Galleries photograph #4024 (monochrome, undated) The Old Print Shop Portfolio, March 1970, figure 38; William K. Dick photo #102 (color, 1974)
Citations: Inventory of American Paintings… record 62311156
Description: The reddish-brown trunks of a grove of redwoods fill the left two-thirds of the painting. A dirt road leads from the center toward the right. Two men (prospectors?) on horses, one holding the reins of a pack mule, talk with a third man seated on a rock. Farther down the road two more mounted riders lead two more pack mules. A large, snow-covered, mountain rises behind, but is largely concealed by, the forest. A sharp boulder stands a little ways off the right side of the road amongst some brush. The scene is rendered almost entirely in browns and, at the top and in the distance, dark greens.
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, from the The Old Print Shop Portfolio listing. The Inventory of American Paintings lists this painting under the artist name "Schafer, F." The Inventory entry cites the Old Print Shop (another name for the Newman Galleries) photograph. A note on the back of the William K. Dick photograph mentions the the Old Print Shop photograph and reports the dimensions given above. The Portfolio description reports that the size is 40 x 51, but the painting illustrated there is nearly twice as wide as it is high. Unfortunately, the edges of the painting do not appear in the photographs, so they do not settle the question.
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