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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0303

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[photo] Old Baldy near Los Angeles
Photo credit: Owner's photograph
Date: not dated, probably 1886
Medium: oil on board
Size: 8 x 12 in (20 x 30 cm)
Inscription: Signed l/l "*Schafer", preceding letter partly concealed by frame, but consistent with an "F". l/r in relief under the top layer of paint, "Old Baldy near Los Angeles".
Verso: The right half of a perforated and printed paper sticker saying "Coupon/No 341/Mr. Schäfer/E px Dollars" with "341" in red ink, "r. Schäfer" and "E px" in black ink. "275…" in pencil.
Provenance: Sold 9 November 1993 for $770 by John Moran Auctioneers, Inc., Pasadena, California, as lot 818 in an unidentified auction sale; to private collection, San Diego, California.
Citations: 9 November 1993 sale list, lot 818
Site: Mount San Antonio, about 20 miles east of Los Angeles. It is popularly nicknamed "Old Baldy".
Description: Two snow-covered mountain peaks are silhouetted against the sky with a third, lower, snow-covered peak to the right and a lower, more distant range behind and to the left. The lower slopes of the mountains are pinkish. The mountains are viewed through a river valley with steep rocky cliffs in the middle distance and conifer-forested slopes in the foreground. A stream emerges from the valley at the lower right center. Despite the small size, the painting has a high degree of finish. (From a color photograph.)
Note: The suggested date is based on Schafer's reported trip to Southern California in January of that year.
Other title(s): View of Mount Baldy (1993 sale list)
In index(es): Title list, Southern California scenes

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