Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image record 8104

Death Certificate of Fredrick F. Schafer, 16 August 1939

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[painting photograph]

Image credit: Alameda County Office of Recorder. Found by William K. Dick.

Related images: Obituary of the artist.
Obituary of the artist's wife, Sophia Braun Schafer.
A possible birth record of the artist.

Information about this image:
Original: Certified copy 875764 dated 12 August 1999 containing photocopy of California State Board of health record.
Scan: Scanned in greyscale at 200 pixels/inch with an Epson V350 scanner.
Adjustments: Image digitally contrast-enhanced and sharpened. Image contains ICC color profile.
Note: The one (and often only) reliable biographical fact in a death certificate is the date of death, since the decedent is not available to verify the accuracy of the rest of the reported information. That accuracy relies for the most part on the informant, in this case Schafer's daughter Eda (Mrs. J. C. Freitas). The spelling of Schafer's forename as "Fredrick" is a typical example of a dubious fact, since in German it would probably be spelled "Friedrich" and romanized as Frederick". The other items of interest here are the length of residence numbers in the lower left. It reports that Schafer lived at 778 21st St in Oakland for 6 years (1922-1927). The time living in California is almost unreadable, perhaps 53? years, implying arrival circa 1874. The time in U.S. begins with the digit 5 but the second digit is completely unreadable, both in the scan and in the paper copy.
Calibration: Targets

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