Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image record 8388

Parish birth record in Selau, Germany, of a Friedrich Ferdinand Schäfer, possibly the artist

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[painting photograph]

Image credit: Located by James Marquardt.

Related images: Death certificate of the artist.
Obituary of the artist.
Obituary of his wife, Sophie Braun Schafer.
Death certificate of Sophie Braun Schafer.

Information about this image:
Original: Digital scan from a microfilm of the German birth and baptismal record "Kirchen-Buch / Verzeichness der in der Kirchengemeinde / zu Selau / Gebornen und Getauften / 1839" (Church book / Directory of [persons] in the parish / of Selau / Born and Baptized / 1839)
Adjustments: Image digitally contrast-enhanced and sharpened. Image contains ICC color profile.
Note: 1. Record number 13 is the one of interest. 2. The date of birth (25 November 1839) differs with the date of birth given on the artist's death certificate (16 August 1839) by about 3 months. Similarly, the place of birth (Zorbau village, Weissenfels district) is about 200 km southeast of the city of Braunschweig reported by the artist's grandson. These differences may indicate that this record is of a different Friedrich Ferdinand Schäfer who happens to share the same name. On the other hand both the death certificate date and the grandson's report of the birthplace are unconfirmed hearsay; Braunschweig is documented only in a ship manifest as Schafer's place of residence at the time of emigration. 3. The surname of the child appears to be "Scheefer" but examination of handwriting elsewhere on the page suggests that the doubled "e" is probably an imprecisely handwritten "a" surmounted by a hastily drawn umlaut that appears to be a stroke through the "f". 4. The note below record number 13 says that this is actually a copy of an earlier record; this copy is dated 14 January 1840.
Calibration: Targets

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