Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Other artists who sign the paintings "Schafer": Frank Schafer

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[painting image]

Indian Girl
by Frank Schafer

Oil on canvas, 20 x 16 inches
eBay item 906569485

Frank Schafer

An artist named Frank Schafer, said to be contemporary, has painted at least one portrait with a western U.S. motif. For reference, at the left is an image of the portrait, and to the right is a detail showing the signature inscription. Nothing else has been learned about this artist.

The Art in Embassies Program of the United States State Department has misidentified a Frederick F. Schafer painting, at one time located at the U.S. Embassy in Madrid but later sold, with an artist named Frank Schafer, giving dates of 1896-1946. It is not known whether that is this same artist.

[signature inscription]

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