Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Other artists named Schafer: A “Frederic Schaefer”

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An etching artist who signs "Frederic Schaefer"

Etchings occasionally offered at auction are signed "Frederic Schaefer" both in the plate and in pencil in the margin, in a script hand quite similar to the script hand of Frederick Ferdinand Schafer. However, these etchings carry dates in the 1930s, after Frederick Ferdinand Schafer passed away.

Frederic Schaefer (1877, Stavanger, Norway - 1955 Boston, Massachusetts), is an amateur artist, founder and first president of Schaefer Equipment Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is known to have produced at least four such etchings.

[etching image]

Quaint Harbor, 1932
by Frederic Schaefer (1877 - 1955)

etching, 5-1/2 x 7-7/8 in
Courtesy of Swann Galleries

[signature inscription]

Signature and date in the plate and signed
in the margin in pencil. N.B. Auction catalogs
have misread the date of this etching as 1852.

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