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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0013

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[photo] Autumn in the Catskills
Photo credit: J. H. Saltzer, 1993
Medium: oil on canvas, laid down on cardboard
Size: 12.25 x 8.75 in (31.1 x 22.2 cm)
Inscription: l/r "FSchafer" initials conjoined in a monogram, in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Verso: u/c "#67/Autumn in the Catskills/By Schafer/Aux/W", title in ink in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, remainder in an unknown script hand
Provenance: With Hunter Gallery, San Francisco, 1975. With Hunter Gallery. Carmel, California, 1989; to private collection, New England, from 1989.
Reproductions: Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #28 (color, 1975); William K. Dick photo #146 (color, 1975)
Description: A stream with a few large boulders and a sandy right bank enters at the center, leaving at the left and front. A branch lies on one boulder; a duck swims away from the boulders. Two tall, almost leafless trees on the right penetrate the sky with orange and red fall colors; a dead tree on the far left bank also extends into the sky. The background is a forest in shades of brown. The sky is filled with grey clouds, a white cloud near the center, and a patch of blue. (From the painting, 11 November 1989.)
Note: Based on the similar composition, sequential number verso, and identical size and mounting method, this painting appears to be a pendant to Sunset in San Joaquin Valley.
Identification: A note on the back of the photograph from William K. Dick gives the size as 14 x 8 in, but the photograph appears to be of the same painting as in the Early California and Western Art Research slide. Under the ink title is a different title in a script hand, of which the words "… on …er Creek" are visible.
Other title(s): River landscape in the Catskills (Early California and Western Art Research index)
In index(es): Title list, eastern United States scenes

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Comments, corrections, or questions: Saltzer@mit.edu
Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility