Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

5.10 Other artists named Schafer: F. C. Schaeffer

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An artist who signs “F. C. Schaeffer”

[painting image]

Untitled [4-master at sea]
by "F. C. Schaeffer"

Oil on canvas, 24 x 32 in
Owner's photograph

[painting image]

Untitled [Draft horses]
by "F. C. Schaeffer"

Oil on canvas, size not reported
Dealer's photograph

Two paintings have emerged with a signature consisting of a monogram followed by the surname "Schaeffer" in disconnected letters. The first, of a 4-masted ship, was found in an Ohio antique show. The second, of draft horses, was reported by a dealer who said it came from Canada. However, the dealer was also located in Ohio, suggesting that they may both have been painted by an artist from that area. The monogram consists of the letter "F" over which is drawn a somewhat larger letter "C", the upper part of which serves as the center crossbar of the "F" (though in the second painting the "C" and the "F" barely touch). Since the "F" was laid down first, it seems likely that the artist's name is "F. C. Schaeffer" rather than "C. F. Schaeffer".

The painting style and signature are unlike any known works of Frederick F. Schafer. The artist has not been identified and nothing else has been discovered about him or her.

For reference, at the left are images of the two paintings and at the right are detail images of the two signature inscriptions.

[signature inscription]

Signature on [4-master at sea]

[signature inscription]

Signature on [Draft horses]

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