Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

5.11 Other artists named Schafer: Gg Schäfer

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[painting image]

Church in the Alps
by "Gg Schäfer"

Oil on canvas, 19 x 24 inches
Dealer's photograph

Gg. (George?) Schäfer

Several topographic paintings of European subjects have appeared at sales in the United States carrying the stylized signature "Gg Schäfer" in a block printing hand with squared-off letters somewhat reminiscent of the signatures of Frederick F. Schafer. The artist has not been identified. Although the letters "Gg" may be an abbreviation for "George", the signature (as well as the painting style) is quite different from that of American artist George Leslie Schafer.

For reference, at the left is an image of an example of this artist's work, and to the right is a detail showing the signature inscription.

[signature inscription]

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