Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

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Other artists who sign their paintings "Schafer"

[painting image]

Untitled landscape
by "Schafer"

Oil on canvas, 9 x 12 inches
Lockwood Fine Arts

An oil painting in a completely different style bears the stylized signature "Schafer" centered on a horizontal line that comprises the lower serif of the "S", the crossbars of the "H", "A", and "F", and the upper bar of the "E". The subject matter, composition approach, palette, and signature are all quite different from any known works of Frederick F. Schafer, and the inscribed date of 1917 is much later than any of his known work. Nothing else has been discovered about this other Schafer.

For reference, at the left is an image of the painting, and to the right is a detail showing the signature inscription.

[signature inscription]

[painting image]

Amish Boys
by "Schafer"

Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inches
Auction House Center for the Arts

The painting at the left bears the highly stylized and florid signature "Schafer" shown at the right. The subject matter, composition approach, palette, brushwork, and signature are all quite different from any known works of Frederick F. Schafer. Nothing else has been discovered about this artist.

[signature inscription]

[painting image]

Untitled river landscape
by "Schâfer"

Oil on canvas, size unknown
Owner's photograph, 2019

The painting at the left is signed with what seems to be a circumflexed "a" and is printed with separate block letters, both characteristics of the usual signature of Frederick Ferdinand Schafer. However, the signature as a whole, which lacks the initial "F", plus the composition as a whole and the palette are all somewhat different from any of his known works, so it is likely that this painting is by a different artist who shares the surname. Nothing else has been discovered about this artist.

[signature inscription]

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