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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0549

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[photo] Mount Baker from near Victoria, British Columbia
Photo credit: Braarud Fine Art, La Conner, Washington
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 36 (51 x 91 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schäfer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Verso: said to be "$100/Mount Baker from near Victoria B.C." in artist's hand; "Morning on Mount Baker near Victoria" in pencil on the stretcher.
Provenance: With Braarud Fine Art, LaConner, Washington, 1985; to private collection, Seattle.
Exhibited: The Regional Painters of Puget Sound, 1870–1920, Seattle, 1986-87
Reproductions: 1986 exhibition brochure
Citations: Spring 1985 Braarud Fine Art gallery list. Inventory of American Paintings… record 56460059
Site: When viewed from Victoria, Mount Baker is about half the size depicted, and its profile is somewhat different. See View from Beacon Hill, Victoria, British Columbia for a painting with a substantially accurate, though still exaggerated, profile.
Description: "…evergreen trees framing a placid lake and Mt. Baker dominating the skyline." (From the gallery list.) The stratovolcano is completely enveloped with snow, silhouetted against a cloudless blue sky. The view is up a valley with several successively more indistinct ranges of mountains on both sides. Just beyond the lake the sun, off the canvas to the left, brightens the lower hillside beyond a row of evergreen trees. The foreground is a rubble-strewn clearing, with evergreen trees and boulders on both sides; snags lie across boulders to the right and left of center. (From a color photograph.)
In index(es): Title list, miscellaneous other well-known landmarks, Pacific northwest coast and Victoria, British Columbia

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