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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0602

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[photo] El Capitan, 3300 Feet, Yosemite Valley, California
Photo credit: Owner's snapshot
Date: said to be not dated
Size: said to be 30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Verso: said to be "El Capitan 3300 feet Yosemite Valley, Cal" in brush
Provenance: In private collection, Edmonds, Washington, by 1955; by descent to private collection in 1978; by descent to private collection, Seattle, Washington, in 1989.
Site: Looking east along the Merced River toward El Capitan from the bottom of Yosemite Valley, California.
Description: The upper two-thirds of the painting is the face of El Capitan, with a line of trees at the top and continued cliffs to the right. Below the cliffs are steep slopes with a few sketchy conifers. At the bottom, beyond a foreground sandy bank, dark green conifers line the left bank of the river, which calmly occupies the right half. In the distance on the bank is a small encampment of two tepees with two indians standing at the water's edge. (From a color photograph.)
In index(es): Title list, Indian encampments as incidental subjects, Yosemite Valley--other views

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility