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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0617

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[photo] Olympic Mountains, Washington [1]
Photo credit: Christopher Wilson, courtesy of Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 19 x 35 in (49 x 90 cm)
Inscription: l/l, said to be "F. Schafer" (illegible in photograph)
Verso: l/r "OLIMPIC Mts. Washington."
Provenance: With Bush's Antiques, Lincoln City Oregon in 1996, to Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, 5 September 1996, acquisition #SPGAF96.03.
Exhibited: As of summer, 1999, displayed in the general collections gallery of the Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Willamette University, second floor.
Site: Uncertain. The snowcapped mountain profile resembles the Three Sisters, in central Oregon, rather than the Olympic Mountains.
Description: A snow-covered, triple-peaked mountain stands in the distance to the right beyond a low ridge. A brown, rocky cliff stands at the left edge behind a conifer forest, with two or three tall trees dominating the space between the cliff and the mountain. In the foreground on the right is an inlet or river with forests on both banks in the distance; the nearer left bank is flat, covered with debris, low bushes, and small boulders. (From a color photograph.)
In index(es): Title list, Pacific northwest coast and Victoria, British Columbia, paintings currently held in museums and public collections

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility