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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0633

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[photo] [Los Gatos Creek 2]

Medium: oil on canvas, apparently lined (see verso image)
Size: 24 x 16 in (61 x 41 cm)
Inscription: Bears signature l/r "F Sc* ***r" angled, only partially readable in the photograph and in a hand that does not appear to be that of the artist.
Verso: Lined, no visible inscriptions on stretcher bars. On outer frame u/l, a sticker label "SCHAFER, Frederick / Los Gatos Creek $3,300"
Provenance: In collection of Edan Milton Hughes (1935–2015), San Francisco, by 1999, inventory #983; to his estate on his passing 21 April 2015; offered Sunday, 17 October 2021, by Clar's Auction Gallery as lot 2389 in a "Jewelry, Furniture, Art, Asian" auction (not sold); sold 19 November 2021 for $850 by Clar's Auction Gallery as lot 4191 in an "Early European & American Art & Furniture" auction.
Attribution: Although the signature is problematic and the canvas lining may have hidden a title inscription, the subject matter, composition, palette, botanically accurate trees, sky treatment, foreground detail, and background mountain profile all are typical and suggest that the painting is probably attributed correctly.
Description: Under a bright blue sky with some indistinct clouds a broadleaf forest lines both sides of a stream at the lower left. On the right side two tall green trees with whitish lower trunks stand silhouetted against the sky; in the foreground is a boulder with a fallen snag just behind it. The distant left bank of the creek another tall tree reaches just above the horizon. In the distance is the outline of a dark moutain ridge. (From a color photograph.)
Note: The Hughes website reported the size as 20 x 12 in but the proportions of the photographic image of 1.5:1 match the 24 x 16 in size found in the Clar's Auction Gallery sale catalog. In fall, 1999, an image of this painting was posted on the World-Wide Web site that displays the collection of Edan Milton Hughes (1935–2015). It was simultaneously offered for sale by california-art.com using the Hughes inventory number.
Identification: Title of unknown origin, as reported by collection of Edan Milton Hughes (1935–2015) and appearing on the verso sticker.
In index(es): Title list, mountain streams through a forest, Santa Cruz mountains, California

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility