Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Non-Schafer painting record FFSn0770

[photo] [Moonlit landscape with windmills]
Photo credit: Owner's photograph
Medium: chalk (?) or mixed media on unknown support
Size: not reported
Inscription: l/r "schafer"
Verso: On the cardboard backing, "1-04745 / Ruffenach"; "16X". On the frame, a gummed sticker of the RM Manufacturing Co.
Provenance: from a Kentucky dealer in the 1960s
Citations: personal communication with the owner, 2002
Attribution: The subject matter, palette, and composition are similar to that of Frederick F. Schafer's work. However, the signature is quite dissimilar to the signature appearing on other works by Frederick F. Schafer, with the absence of a first initial, each letter having at least one carefully rounded stroke, and a perfectly straight underline.

Several other paintings with this signature and other similar characteristics have emerged, all in the eastern part of the United States. The tentative conclusion is that there is another artist with surname Schafer who worked in that area. For a summary of what has been learned about this other artist, see One or two Kentucky (?) Schafers.

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