Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp0834

[photo] [Mt Shasta?]

Date: undated
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: not specified
Inscription: not signed
Verso: not reported
Provenance: Turtle Bay Exploration Park, Redding California, by 2004
Reproductions: Turtle Bay on-line web site
Attribution: The Turtle Bay web site identifies this painting as a view of Mount Shasta and attributes it to Frederick Schafer. Between lack of a signature, no report of a verso inscription, and the unfinished appearance of the distant mountain profile, it is difficult to make a confident attribution of this painting. The nearby rocks and trees are in a style that could be attributed to Frederick Schafer or to any of several other San Francisco area artists. The birds flying through the canyon suggest considering Herman Herzog.
Identification: Title from Turtle Bay on-line web site
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