Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image record 8348

Catalog cover for an auction sale of Schafer paintings at Irving Hall, San Francisco, on 17 November 1885.

No larger image available

[painting photograph]

Image credit: Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. See Copyright Status in Note 2 below.

Related images: Newspaper advertisement of this sale.
Advertisement of a gaslight exhibition preceding the sale.
Complete catalog (PDF, 5 MBytes)

Information about this image:
Original: From a booklet of twelve numbered pages, 5-7/8 in by 8-7/8 in, with an olive-green cover, printed by C.W. Nevin & Co., San Francisco.
Scan: By Beinecke Library, Yale University. JPEG image, 1750 px by 2650 px, 299 ppi, 24-bit, to RGBA/8 colorspace.
Adjustments: Image contains ICC color profile.
Note: 1. Source: Franz R. and Kathryn M. Stenzel, Research Files on Western American Art, Portland, Oregon; by gift in 1997 to the Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, accession record MSS S-2369, Series V. Research Files for an Unpublished Book on Western Art. Artists Files. Box 22. Folder 430. 12 pages. Located by Ellen Halteman.
2. Copyright status: Public domain but reproduction of cover or contents must include the credit to Yale/Beinicke found above.
3. The advertisements for this sale in the San Francisco Chronicle also mention “over 100” (or “over 200”, depending on which advertisement one is reading) sketches but the catalog does not list any sketches.
4. Over 50 of the 200-odd painting titles in this catalog also appear in either the catalog for a sale in Victoria, British Columbia on 2 and 3 July 1885 or in the catalog for a sale in Salt Lake City on May 24, 1886. These titles are probably of paintings that failed to sell and were carried over from one auction to the next.
Calibration: Targets

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