Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Citations: Archives


Alameda Free Library Clipping File: Vertical file / Alameda Clippings / Artists / Frederick Ferdinand Schafer. The Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak Street (formerly at 2264 Santa Clara Avenue), Alameda, California.

Alice Phelan Sullivan Library and Archives, The Society of California Pioneers, 300 Fourth Street, San Francisco.

Archives of California Art: Frederick Ferdinand Schafer file, The Oakland Museum of California. This museum, in addition to holding several Schafer paintings, has in its archives a substantial file of material on Schafer.

The British Columbia Archives. In addition to Victoria and Vancouver newspapers, The British Columbia Visual Records Archive holds two paintings and also has a small accession file on Schafer. 655 Belleville Street, (P. O. Box 9419 Stn. Prov. Gov. Canada V82 9V1) Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

The Cleveland Museum Artist Archive: Frederick Ferdinand Schafer file. Library of the Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.

Early California and Western Art Research. Slide archive of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farrington Jones, held by the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Museum Resource Center, 2505 West Port Street, West Sacramento, CA. 95691. This archive of some 20,000 painting photographs Includes about 125 slides of paintings by Schafer. and a card index of those slides. Numbers in citations (e.g., ECWAR/Schafer #5) identify entries in that card index.

National Museum of American Art. Washington, D.C. This library contains several archives, including the Inventory of American Paintings… and the files of Ferdinand Perret.

Stanford University Visual Collection, Art Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Includes 8 slides of Schafer paintings from a 1976 exhibition.

William K. Dick, San Francisco, California. Personal research and photograph archive. Includes 75 pages of notes, 175 photographic prints and 8 slides of paintings by Schafer. Mr. Dick's archive has been reported to now be in the possession of the North Point Gallery in Oakland, California, under the curation of Alfred Harrison, Jr.

Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. The Frans R. and Kathryn M. Stenzel Research Files on Western American Art (MSS S-2369) contain two files titled "Frederick Ferdinand Schafer" in Box 22, folder 430 and Box 34, folder 610. The Franz R. and Kathryn M. Stenzel Collection of Western American Art (MSS S-2368, box 42 folder 830) holds the painting Sunset on Castle Rock on Columbia River, Oregon in Artstore, folder 1256.

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