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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0229

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[photo] [Near Victoria, British Columbia I]
Photo credit: Early California and Western Art Research, 1982
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)
Inscription: l/r "FSchafer", initials conjoined in a monogram, in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Provenance: Offered 25 May 1982 by Butterfield & Butterfield, San Francisco, as lot 211 in sale 3205A (not sold).
Reproductions: Butterfield & Butterfield 25 May 1982 sale catalog; Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #60 (color, 1982)
Description: A tent surrounded by four figures in the lower right center, beneath tall conifers, right, beside a river, left, with dark green forested mountains in the background. The light sky and very bright, light green foreground contrast with the dark mountains and forest and a bright tree trunk stands next to the tent. Figures small, in careful detail. The top of the tallest tree bends sharply to the left. (From a color photograph.)
Note: This painting is one of a series of Pacific northwest coast and Victoria, British Columbia, all of which depict the same tents and ocean-going dugout canoes.
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, as found in the Butterfield & Butterfield 1982 sale catalog. The Early California and Western Art Research index identifies the slide with the 25 May 1982 sale.
In index(es): Title list, Indian encampments as primary subjects, Pacific northwest coast and Victoria, British Columbia

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