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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0250

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[no photo] On Truckee River, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California [1]

Date: 1892
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 30 x 50 in (76 x 127 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schafer 1892", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, in red
Verso: said to be "on Truckee River/Sierra Nevada Mts. California" (back currently covered)
Provenance: The artist's family; with Collectors Gallery, San Francisco; to collection of Lewis E. Ferbrache; by gift to The Oakland Museum of California in 1962 (public).
Reproductions: color photograph [Archives of California Art]
Citations: Dawdy, Doris Ostrander, Artists of the American West; Inventory of American Paintings… record 71066286; William K. Dick notes, page 79; The Oakland Museum of California registration record, inventory #62.89.3; Collectors Gallery stock list.
Description: A river rages from the center of the painting toward the viewer between rocky banks and past two boulders in the center of a line of rapids. Cliffs and rocks rise abruptly along both sides of the river, with a pair of tall conifers reaching to the sky on the left, a fallen tree leaning across them. Many more fallen trees and logs lie askew along the nearby river banks with a few dark red wildflowers among them. The sky is overcast with brownish-gray clouds; two small patches of blue peek through silver linings. The palette consists almost entirely of blacks, greys, and dark greens and browns. The painting leaves the feeling that a storm just swept through and may still be raging farther up the river. (From the painting, 5 August 1991.)
Identification: Dawdy cites the Inventory of American Paintings entry, which names the Oakland Museum as its informant. Both Dawdy and the Inventory entry omit the word On at the beginning of the title. The Museum photograph carries the unexplained number "15-772-1-1-4". Lewis Ferbrache is said to be the proprietor of the Collectors Gallery.
In index(es): Title list, Lake Tahoe and environs, mountain streams through a forest, paintings currently held in museums and public collections, dated paintings

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility