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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0267

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[photo] San Lorenzo Creek
Photo credit: William K. Dick, 1971
Date: probably undated
Medium: oil on canvas, lined
Size: 28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)
Inscription: l/l "Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand (first letter indistinct in the photograph, may be FS conjoined in a monogram)
Verso: said to be "San Lorenzo Creek"
Provenance: Offered in 1971 by Hunter Gallery, San Francisco.
Reproductions: William K. Dick photo #118 (color, 1971)
Site: San Lorenzo Creek is a small stream located in the Santa Cruz Mountains, near Felton, California. It is now known as the San Lorenzo River.
Description: A dark stream emerges from the forest near the lower center and flows past a bright boulder on the left to the right front corner. Above the boulder a conifer reaches high into the sky at the edge of a dense forest; a similar tall tree is seen on the other bank. Below the trees on both sides of the stream is a tangle of underbrush. Flowers grow along the foreground left bank. The sky is light blue at the top, where a few clouds appear; it becomes whitish and hazy near the horizon. (From a color photograph.)
In index(es): Title list, mountain streams through a forest, Santa Cruz mountains, California

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility