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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd1090

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[photo] Lassen Butte, California
Photo credit: Owner's photograph, 2018
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 10 x 12 in (25 x 30 cm)
Inscription: Signed l/l: "FSchafer." in a cramped version of the artist's characteristic block-letter hand. The indistinct initials may be conjoined in a monogram.
Verso: Titled in pencil on the stretcher: "Lassen Butte Cal" in an unknown script hand.
Provenance: In collection of judge Edward Coke Hill (1866 - 1961), Anchorage, Alaska, and Oakland, California; by descent to his wife, Ella Martha Wilson Hill (1879 - 1962), Oakland, California; bequeathed to private collection, Oakland, California; thence by descent in the family twice, most recently in 1999, to private collection, Santa Cruz, California.
Citations: Personal communication with the 1999 owner.
Site: Lassen Peak, California, before that volcano erupted in 1914/1915.
Note: (1) The small size suggests that this is an oil sketch but the foreground is quite detailed, which suggests that it is actually a small studio painting. (2) A painting with the title Lassen Butte was offered for sale in a 14 October 1909 auction in Victoria, British Columbia. Another painting, with the title Lassen Butte, near Marysville was offered as lot 59 on page 5 in the catalog of a 17 November 1885 auction in San Francisco. Unfortunately, there is not enough information in those catalogs to either include or exclude the possibility that one of them is the same painting.
Identification: Title as found on verso stretcher inscription.
In index(es): Title list, Lassen Peak, California

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility